Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wheeler del Torro featured in Tasting Table via Ryan Rose!

Hi everyone, we'd just like to take some time to say how much we appreciated the article by Ryan Rose featured in Tasting Table. Ryan also wrote a blurb about us on her blog! Check it out:

This actually came out last week -- sigh -- I am resigning myself to being woefully behind. But can you blame me? It is so gorgeous outside these days -- when given a choice between updating my blog and going for a run along the river at sunset with the dog, it's a fairly easy decision to make.

Anyhow, here's the link to my piece on Wheeler del Torro, who's a bit of a local legend here in Boston.

I first heard about him through my friend Emilie Hardman of the Conscious Kitchen, whose photography accompanies my piece ...

Read the full article here. Thanks Ryan!


Ryan Rose said...

Hey, thanks for the thanks! I was just telling a coworker about how tasty your chocolate ice cream was and dug up my piece for him - then found your post. Can't wait to see what flavors you all have lined up for fall in New England!